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Template Guide: RefWorks

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RefWorks 2.0: Introduction

RefWorks 2.0: Logging In

RefWorks 2.0: Adding References from Databases

RefWorks 2.0: Creating a Bibliography

Citation Guides

Need to brush up on your citation skills, but don't want to use RefWorks? Try our citation guides.

APA | MLA | Chicago | AMA | ACS | CSE | APSA

RefWorks Login for ECU

Click here to login to RefWorks!

RefWorks 2.0

RefWorks is a citation management software that you can use to simplify the research process. You can keep citations to articles in RefWorks, access journal articles in databases without searching for them again, cite sources in your paper, and create a bibliography with RefWorks. This software is available to all students at ECU during the duration of their time at ECU.

Please view the videos to the left to learn how to get started with RefWorks today.

Additional RefWorks 2.0 Tutorials

The following are more instructional tutorials created by RefWorks for you to better learn their products.