Want to see more?
Click on the links to the right to be taken to the special collection of your choice. Additionally, the following guide has been created to help you search in the Special Collections:
Special Collections Division Research Guide on Searching
The History field uses Chicago Style to cite their sources. If you would like to learn more about citing your sources, click the following links to learn more:
Chicago Style Citation Guide |
ECU's Digital Collections is your gateway to thousands of images, texts, and recordings from the library's rich holdings.
University Archives serves the university community by acting as a final, central repository for items related to the administrative, academic, legal, fiscal, social, and cultural interactions of the individuals, departments, and programs present on the ECU campus since 1907.
Visit ECU's Manuscripts & Rare Books Department to find primary sources, maps, and more!
Visit ECU's North Carolina Collection for primary sources, newspapers, genealogy information, and more!