This tab highlights a list of frequently used library-related terms which may not be familiar to newer library users. If you do not see the term you are looking for, please use the LibChat window on the right side of the page, and someone will be happy to help!
Academic Source – A book, journal, article, or other source that has been reviewed by experts in the subject field to ensure accuracy and quality prior to publishing. Other terms used for this type of source include "peer-reviewed," "scholarly," or "refereed."
Boolean Operators – Words used in keyword searches that will limit (AND), expand (OR), or exclude (NOT) certain terms in the scope of the search. More information about Boolean operators can be found in the Constructing Searches tab of the Library 101: Introduction to Research guide.
Compact Stacks – The moveable shelving located in the basement of Joyner Library.
Course Reserves – A selection of books that instructors for certain classes make available to their students through the Circulation Desk. The course reserves list for all ECU Libraries can be found here:
Database – Resources that contain and can be searched for journal articles (including trade, scholarly, and popular), newspaper articles, videos, audio files, eBooks, and more.
ILLiad – The service through which interlibrary loan requests are made. ILLiad can be accessed by using this link:
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) / Document Delivery – The departments within Joyner Library and Laupus Library that process requests from library users who need materials that must be borrowed from other libraries within an international system of libraries.
Microform – General term for non-print, film format documents created to be a space-saving reprint of print documents that require a certain kind of hardware to view. The forms typically used in Joyner Library include microfilm, microfiche, and ultrafiche.
OneSearch – The search bar on the homepage for all ECU libraries that allows users to search the Library Catalog and a number of databases for books, eBooks, articles, newspaper articles, book reviews, and more in a single search.
Peer-Reviewed Source – A book, journal, article, or other source that has been reviewed by other experts in the subject field to ensure accuracy and quality prior to publishing. Other terms used for this type of source include "academic," "scholarly," or "refereed."
Refereed Source – See: Peer-Reviewed Source above.
Scholarly Source – See: Peer-Reviewed Source above.
Stacks – The shelving areas for each collection (i.e. General Stacks, Reference Stacks, Compact Stacks, etc.). The General Stacks can be found on the second and third floors of Joyner Library, while the Reference Stacks are located on the first floor near the Research Help desk, and the Compact Stacks are in the basement. Detailed maps of each floor with all Stacks locations can be found here:
WorldCat – An extensive, fully searchable catalog of holdings for libraries worldwide. This resource can be used to check to see if Joyner or Laupus Library has a certain item (both physically and electronically) and also to see if another library nearby might have it. The WorldCat catalog can be found here: