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Laupus Library Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Libguide

Indigenous Oral Traditions & Health Resources

Image from: Storytelling beginnings from Native American Cultures

Oral Traditions and Storytelling in Indigenous Health Culture:

The following search will locate articles about Oral Tradition/Storytelling and Indigenous people or Native Americans in PubMed, ECU One Search, and ProQuest Search: 


("oral tradition" OR "storytelling" OR "traditional storytelling") AND ("indigenous" OR "American Indian" OR "American Indians" OR "Native American" OR "Native Americans" OR "Alaska Native" OR "Alaska Natives" OR "Inuit" OR "Inuits") AND (health OR wellness)


In ProQuest Search & One Search remember to use limiters such as: 

  • Peer-Reviewed
  • Scholarly Journals
  • And if requested by your program or instructor, the 5 year date limit


A few key news stories and peer-reviewed articles about Oral Tradition and Storytelling: 


Fehderau, R. D. (2018, January 15). Indigenous group tackles diabetes with storytelling. The Conversation.

Hodge, F. S., Pasqua, A., Marquez, C., & Geishirt-Cantrell, B. (2002). Utilizing traditional storytelling in American Indian communities. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(1), 6-11.

NICOA. (2019, July 15). Storytelling in patient-centered native healthcare. National Indian Council on Aging, Inc.

Washington School of Public Health. (2014, March 13). The power of storytelling in Native health