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Laupus Library Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Libguide

About the Laupus Library Diversity Committee


The Laupus Library Diversity Committee was created over ten years ago. The committee works to increase the awareness of diversity for the Laupus Library Community (including faculty, staff, and students), so that our workplace and those we serve continue to evolve into an even more inclusive environment. Recognizing diversity is an attribute that allows individuals to enhance and enjoy the culture of the workplace. 

Projects & Programs

The Laupus Library Diversity Committee sponsors at least two events per year. Some programs are geared directly for Laupus Library staff, while most programs are available too and benefit the entire ECU Community, specifically focused towards the Health Sciences.

Current Laupus Library Diversity Committee Members 2022-2023

  • Andrea Bristol, Chair
  • Jamie Bloss
  • Layne Carpenter
  • Amanda Haberstroh
  • Soph Myers-Kelley
  • Anna Peitzman
  • Heidi Reis
  • Mary Roby