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Laupus Library Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Libguide

Laupus Library Diversity Committee Personal DEI Statements

"Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance." - Verna Myers

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What are Diversity statements?

Diversity statements can be written for organizations, groups, or personal accounts. They often broadly share the investment, changes, or hopes a person or company is making towards integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into their daily routine.
We asked members of the Laupus Library Diversity Committee if they would like to share their own personal diversity statements and we received the following responses:  


  • From Jamie Bloss, Liaison Librarian to the ECU College of Dental Medicine & Allied Health

"Systemic racism and health disparities need to be combated by education and concrete actions. There is a need to raise up others especially amongst vulnerable populations in the US who have been historically oppressed and excluded, and who continue being excluded to this day. My wish is to focus on what we can do as accomplices in this mission, while we make sure to not place all of the awareness work on BIPOC people to make their voices heard. A more diverse, inclusive, and multicultural workplace benefits us all and we need to use our time and energy as best as we can to work towards that goal." - Jamie Bloss, Summer 2021


  • From Andrea Bristol, Laupus Library Budget Officer

“I am diversity.” This was the theme of one my first large scale diversity efforts on the campus here at ECU. It meant the world to me because I know that I am diversity. I joined ECU in the Office of Institutional Diversity in 2006 and have been involved in diversity and inclusion efforts here in Greenville since then. I’ve served as co-chair of the Laupus Library Diversity committee for over 6 years, beginning shortly after I arrived here at the library. Our committee has evolved over the years and our commitment to DEI education and awareness has grown as well. It brings me so much joy to be involved in programming and collaboration efforts to educate and bring awareness to DEI, both on campus and in my community. “I am diversity. - Andrea Bristol, Summer 2021


  • From Dr. Amanda Haberstroh, Liaison Librarian to the ECU College of Nursing Graduate Programs

"I requested to join the Laupus Diversity Committee for two reasons. The first is because there is an established dearth of diversity in the field of health sciences librarianship, and the second is because I know my own privilege as a white woman means I have to deliberately practice equity and inclusion. The Diversity Committee provides the platform for Laupus employees to share ideas and create action plans that put diversity, equity, and inclusion at the fore. I look forward to the Diversity Committee’s continued good work to amplify the voices of underrepresented populations as well as to enhance Laupus’s own diverse representation." - Dr. Amanda Haberstroh, Summer 2021


  • From Heidi Reis, Liaison Librarian to the ECU Brody School of Medicine

"Our society is built on systems which oppress many individuals to keep the power and wealth among the few. I recognize my own enormous privilege as a white, cis-gender, middle class, educated able bodied individual and therefore I must continually educate myself, listen and take action as an accomplice to support the mission of fighting for equity and inclusion for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and disabled peoples. We each must do our part and not let the burden for change rest on those already oppressed, disenfranchised, and excluded by the system. Libraries, and health sciences libraries especially are plagued by a lack of diversity in collection, staffing, and programming, so working to change the systems within libraries that exclude is vitally important.  Being a member of the Laupus Diversity Committee allows me to share ideas and take action to support diversity, equity and inclusion and make the library, university and even our society more just." - Heidi Reis, Summer 2021


  • From Soph Myers-Kelley, Liaison Librarian to the ECU Brody School of Medicine

"I have a personal investment in equity as a disabled, queer, trans, neurodivergent person. It is my duty as someone with some privileges (as a white person, highly-educated, and sometimes well-off person) to advocate for minoritized peoples whenever the opportunity arises. It is important to do this even when it makes me uncomfortable (within reason, don't want to cause burnout). While I can stand up for identities I relate to, I also aim to amplify voices with different minoritized identities. As one person, I can't represent all of the minoritized groups and must differentiate when I should lead at the front of the pack, the middle, or the back. I hope our DEI committee work ripples far beyond Laupus Library and creates a more equitable ECU, Greenville, NC, and world." - Soph Myers-Kelley, Summer 2022