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United Nations Documents: Guides

Guide to United Nations Documents in Joyner Library


Index to the United Nations Documents and Publications. Ref Desk JX 1977 I53x. CD-ROM monthly cumulative index, 1990 to 1998.

UNDOC: Current Index . Microforms Indexes Z6481 U426x. Published 1980-1996. A comprehensive checklist together with subject, author, and title indexes. It was issued four times a year with annual cumulations on microfiche. It is included in the Readex Microfiche (ST/LIB/SER.M).

UNDEX: United Nations Documents Index . Microforms Indexes 2 Z6481 U425b. Published 1974-1978. Issued in three parts: UNDEX Subject Index (Series A), UNDEX Country Index (Series B), UNDEX List of Documents Issued (Series C). There is also a four-volume cumulative index for 1974-1978.

United Nations Documents Index (UNDI) . Microforms Indexes Z6481 U42. Published 1970-1973. Monthly index, with annual cumulative index, and beginning in 1963 an annual cumulative checklist of documents. Through 1962, the publications of the specialized agencies such as UNESCO were included.

Structure and Procedure of the UN


Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International Relations. Joyner Stacks JX 1977 .O82123 1990. Contains entries on all aspects of the UN, its specialized agencies, and the many international and regional intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that cooperate with the UN. Includes summaries or complete texts of several thousand international agreements, conventions, and treaties of this century. Also provides definitions of widely used terms in international relations.

Everyone's United Nations. Ref JX 1977 A37 E9 1986 (latest). A concise account of aims, structure, and work of the UN family.

United Nations. Department of Public Information. Yearbook. Joyner Stacks JX 1977 A37 Y4. 1946-. Issued annually, with comprehensive coverage of the UN. Part I is arranged by subject. Part II is devoted to specialized agencies. It includes an extensive list of UN documents with numbers. This publication is always several years behind.

UN Chronicle. Recent issues in Current Periodicals (1st Floor); back issues in Joyner Stacks JX 1977 A1 U564. Selected articles from 1996-present are online at: Predecessors were United Nations Monthly Chronicle and United Nations Review . It describes the proceedings, decisions, and resolutions of the main organs and committees in political, economic and social fields.

Basic Facts about the United Nations. Joyner Stacks JX 1977 A37 B3 (1986). A brief explanation of the structure of the UN and the specialized agencies. Revised periodically. Also available online through the netLibrary database of ebooks.

United Nations. Treaty Series. Joyner Stacks JX 170 U35. 1946-77. The official bilingual text (English and French) of treaties, plus the original language. It is continued by the Readex Microfiche series 1986- (ST/LEG/Ser.A and ST.LEG/SER.E/4)

International Court of Justice

Bibliography. Joyner Stacks JX 1971.6 B52x. 1971- and Readex Microfiche 1986-96. Annual bibliography of publications of interest about the activities of the Court.

Recueil des arrets, Avis, Consultatif et Ordonnances. (Reports of Judgements, Advisory Opinions, and Orders). Joyner Stacks JX 1971.6 A244. 1947/48-1949, 1954- and Readex Microfiche 1986-96. Decisions of the Court in French and English printed in chronological order.

Yearbook/International Court of Justice. Joyner Stacks JX 1971.6 A25. 1946/47- and Readex Microfiche 1986-96. Annual. Information on the Court's activities during the year. It also includes bibliographic lists.

Yearbook on Human Rights. Joyner Stacks JC 571 U4. 1946-50; 1955-88. Annual. A survey of constitutional and legal provisions of various countries of the world concerning the rights of the citizen.