Brimmer, Brenda. A Guide
to the Use of United Nations Documents. Joyner Stacks Z 674 B7 1962a
Dimitrov, Theodore Delchev. Documents
of International Organisations: A Bibliographic Handbook Covering the United
Nations and other International Organizations. Ref JX1995 .D56 1973
Hajnal, Peter I. Guide to
United Nations Organization, Documentation, and Publishing for Students,
Researchers, and Librarians. Ref JX 1977 H22
Winton, Harry N. M. Publications
of the United Nations System: A Reference Guide. Joyner Stacks Z 6481 W55
Facts on File . Ref D 410 F3 and microfiche F119, and Keesing's Record of World Events . Ref D 410 K4. A summary of events, with dates, which may then be used to locate information in newspapers or periodicals.
New York Times Index . Compact Ref AI 21 N452. This source may also be used for locating dates of events as well as the New York Times coverage of the UN.
Index to Legal Periodicals. Compact Ref K9 N32, 1952-95. A good source for historical legal aspects of the UN.
Joyner Library purchases some publications issued by such organizations as the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). They are cataloged and may be located by using the classic catalog.