Possibly the most extensive use made of UN documents is for international statistics. A few of the most important statistical sources follow:
Statistical Yearbook. Ref HA 12.5 U63 (most recent year); back issues from 1956 forward in Joyner Stacks. Statistical data on populations, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, transportation, trade, national income, education, and similar topics.
Demographic Yearbook. Ref HA 17 D 45 (most recent year); back issues from 1951, 1953-4, 1956-present in Joyner Stacks. Basic data on area, density, population growth rates, natality, mortality, life expectancy, nuptiality, and divorce. Each issue includes data on a special demographic topic.
National Accounts Statistics. Ref HC 79 I5 U532x (most recent year): back issues from 1982 on in Joyner Stacks. Detailed estimates of national income and related economic measures. The series is divided into two annual publications and special publications.
International Trade Statistics Yearbook. Ref HF 91 U473 (most recent issue): Back issues from 1966 forward are in Joyner Stacks. A compilation of national tables shows annual figures for several years and summaries of trade by large commodity classes and by principal regions and countries.
International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics. Joyner Stacks HC 10 I673. Replaces Industrial Statistics Yearbook (HC 59 U52x). Summarizes statistics on world industry, with sections for comparative data by commodity and for individual countries. Tables for countries provide data on number of establishments, number of employees, and wages and salaries to the 4-digit ISIC level.
World Economic and Social Survey . Ref HC 59 A169 (most recent issue); select back issues in Joyner Stacks. Annual. Formerly World Economic Survey. Describes current trends and policies in the world economy. Statistics on global economic growth, production trends in various regions of the world, international debt and finance, energy, a brief review of demographic indicators, trade, and the outlook for the world economy for the short term.
World Statistics Pocketbook. Ref HA 154 W67 (most recent year); select back issues in Joyner Stacks. Annual. Formerly World Statistics in Brief. Basic international statistics are given in compact form for counties, regions, and the world.
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (with supplement) Joyner Stacks HC 57 U66 (most recent issues); back issues from 1968 in Joyner Stacks. Major compilation of statistics on world economy and social conditions. A supplement giving definitions and explanatory notes is issued irregularly.
Anuario Estadistico de
America Latina y el Caribe (Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the
CEPAL Review.
Construction Statistics
CTC Reporter.
Current Bibliographic
Economic and Social Survey
of Asia and the Pacific.
Economic Bulletin for Asia
and the Pacific.
Economic Survey of Europe.
Economic Survey of Latin
America and the Caribbean.
Foreign Trade Statistics
for Africa. Series A: Directions of Trade; Series B: Trade by Commodity.
Foreign Trade Statistics
of Asia and the Pacific.
Handbook of International
Trade and Development Statistics.
Report on the World Social
Small Business Bulletin
for Asia and the Pacific.
Statistical Yearbook for
Asia and the Pacific.
United Nations. Commission of
Trade Law . Yearbook.
United Nations Disarmament
Yearbook of the
International Law Commission.