Statements of policy by member states
General policy statements are usually printed as agenda item 9-general debate-of the General Assembly and printed in GAOR, Plenary Meetings, each session.
Summaries of speeches given in the general debates are also printed in the January or March issue of the UN Chronicle . Other records of statements may be located through the indexes.
The United Nations Yearbook summarizes speeches and positions of member states.
To locate all references to a topic, consult the subject indexes of UNDI, UNDEX , and UNDOC as well as the reference tools mentioned in Section IV, parts B and C.
Indexed in UNDOC (Subject index), INDEX (Series A), and UNDI (by subject or country).
At the end of each session, resolutions which were passed are cumulated and printed in Supplements to: GAOR, ESCOR, TCOR, and in Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. In GAOR, the resolutions are issued in the last numbered supplement for each session. In ESCOR and TCOR, the resolutions are issued in the first supplement for each session.
Some resolutions are also printed or summarized in the UN Chronicle.
The United Nations Yearbook has an index of Resolutions and Decisions
A useful reference tool is United Nations Resolutions series 1, General Assembly, 1946- , and series 2 Security Council, 1946- which are compiled and edited by Dusan Djonovich (Joyner Stacks JX 1977 A3155 D57).
UN Chronicle has voting records for the most current issues.
United Nations Yearbook summarizes major issues and votes on those issues. Votes on the smaller issues may not be included.
Official results of votes in the General Assembly and Security Council are also published in the Official Records series, as part of the Proceedings .
UNDEX (Series B) recorded voice votes, 1974-1978.
Before 1975, the UN did not publish a compilation of votes of member nations. Voting was normally done by a show of hands and roll-call listing was not recorded for every vote. The debate preceding the vote might be the only indication of the way members probably voted.