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Communication: Media Studies: Find Books

Searching for Books

Books can be a great source for your research in the field of Media Studies.

To find books at ECU Libraries, you will search the Catalog. You can do so in the box below.

Some books for this discipline may be found at Laupus Library. We can pull and hold the books and have them brought to you at Joyner, if you wish.

You may wish to use reference books, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and atlases to help you choose a topic. There are databases of these types of materials linked to the right of this box.

Remember, not all books are in print format! ECU Libraries have many e-books available for you, as well.

Search the Library Catalog

The library catalog is where you can search for books, videos, DVD's, etc.



InterLibrary Loan

Use InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery services to request articles, books, media, and more from other libraries when ECU libraries do not have what you need.