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SPAN 3441: Latin American Culture & Civilization: Newspapers

Latin American Culture and Civilization

Hint for your Assignment

Your assignment on Current Events requires you to find a newspaper article. This tab has a number of links to popular newspaper and other current events websites.

On this page, you will find:

  • A graphic to teach you how to use Access World News to find newspaper articles
  • Links to newspaper databases at ECU
  • Links for finding foreign language newspaper websites

Access World News Tutorial

The library subscribes to the Database Access World News, a database that has sources from all over the world. To use this resource for your project for this class, follow the directions below. 

First, click on Advanced Search.

Next, look at the map below. Where is your country? Central America? South America? Choose the correct region. You will also want to choose a broad keyword. For instance, if you are a health sciences major, choose the word "salud." This will get you many articles about the topic to choose from. 


For the purposes of this example, let's say that my country is Colombia and my topic is still health. I need this to be recent. I can use the limiters on the side to do this. Here is an example of how to only see Colombian newspapers from the last 30 days.


Access World News has another handy feature. You can search by Word Count in the search bar. The options are Any, less than 50, all the way up to More than 500. I would choose "More than 500" in order to get some articles with enough length to talk about in your paper.

There is a link to the database below! If you have questions, please Ask a Librarian. 


Decorative image that shows a newspaper and glasses

Websites for News on Latin America

This link from LANIC has many country-by-country links to news sources in Latin America.

Newspaper Databases

The following links will take you to databases containing local, national, and international newspapers.