Books comprise a large amount of the material held by Joyner Library.
On this page, you will find:
e-books are searchable by our Catalog and through the E-Journal/E-Book Portal. Additionally, you may wish to go directly to one of the ECU Libraries' subscription databases for e-books. They are linked here:
You're in luck! Joyner has hundreds of thousands from which to choose and through Interlibrary Loan, you have access to millions more. To see what Joyner Library owns, search the Joyner Library Catalog in the Books tab. If Joyner doesn't have what you want or if it is already checked out to someone else, you can search WorldCat. You'll be able to see if any libraries close to you have it. If you cannot borrow the title from a place nearby, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan. Whether the item you want is located at Joyner or is borrowed from another library, if you don't live in Pitt County the Joyner Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery department can ship the item to your home or work address (see Delivery Options to the right) -- usually for free.
If you're in a rush or need an e-book, Joyner's thousands of e-books are included in our catalog, but you can also search in the E-Books column on the left, or try Google Book Search on the right.
Some useful Library of Congress Subject Headings for this class would be:
Please contact the Research Desk for help using the catalog!
You may search the library catalog to find materials owned by Joyner Library.
Using the drop down menu in the catalog you may do a Keyword search for:
words or phrase, author, title, subject, series, journal title, ISBN, ISSN
(This drop down menu defaults to words or phrase.)
Also consider using "Title begins with..." near the top if you have a specific title.
You will need the title, location, and call number to find the book.
Please contact the Research Desk for help using the catalog!
One Search is a great place to start your research. It allows you to simultaneously search through a variety of databases and the ECU Libraries' catalog.