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International Studies: Hello!

Joyner Library Website Tour

Click for Guide on the Side

Guide on the Side is a tutorial that will appear on the left side of your internet browser. It will walk you around the Joyner Library homepage while the website is still active.

Recommended Journals

Click the links below to be taken to journals recommended for the field of International Studies.

Flags of the World image

Use this Guide!

After reviewing this guide, students should be able to: 

  • Locate and use Joyner Library's resources, such as books, articles, and primary sources
  • Access and search popular databases for the field of International Studies, as well as related fields.
  • Discover information about using resources from other libraries
  • Complete steps in the research process
  • Cite sources.

If you need help with your assignments at any time, please use the contact information listed under the "Get Help" tab above to talk with a librarian.

United Nations Documents

Does your paper or project call for information about countries that belong to the United Nations? Consider using this LibGuide that outlines the UN Documents at ECU.

UN Documents button