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International Studies: Articles

Finding Articles

Much of your research for your paper will come from scholarly journals located in databases

On this page, you will find:

  • A tutorial teaching you how to use a database to find articles (left column)
  • A tutorial teaching you the parts and pieces of a journal article (left column)
  • Links to important databases for the field of International Studies

Social Sciences Database Tutorial

Social Sciences

Click the button above to be taken to a Guide on the Side tutorial that will teach you how to search in the SocINDEX database.

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article: Social Sciences

View the following PowerPoint tutorial to learn more about the structure of a scholarly article in the Social Sciences.

InterLibrary Loan

Use InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery services to request articles, books, media, and more from other libraries when ECU libraries do not have what you need.


ILL Button

International Studies Databases

The following are direct links to all of the subscription databases for ECU Libraries on the subject of International Studies.

Other Databases for International Studies

Try OneSearch!

One Search is a great place to start your research. It allows you to simultaneously search through a variety of databases and the ECU Libraries' catalog.

One Search for articles, books, and other resources from the ECU Libraries' collection.

Newspaper Databases

The following links will take you to databases containing local, national, and international newspapers.