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SPAN 3550: Approaches to the Study of Hispanic Literature: MLA Citation

Approaches to the Study of Hispanic Literature

MLA Style Guide


MLA Formatting and Style
courtesy of OWL at Purdue

Common MLA Citations Needed for SPAN 2550

The following page will teach you the basics of MLA Citation, however, there are a few citations you will need for SPAN 2550. Here are some guides to help you construct them.

How to Cite an Essay, Story, or Poem in a Collection:

Lastname, First name. "Title of Essay or Poem." Title of Collection. Ed. Editor's Name(s) First M. Last. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Print.

How to Cite a Chapter of a Book: 

Lastname, Firstname M. "Section or Chapter Title." Book/Anthology, Ed. Editor's Name(s) First M. Last. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range. Print.

How do I use this tutorial? Click each button below. Use the circles on the page to locate pieces of citation information, then try to create a citation with what you find. Check your answer when you are done!


Please note that not every article, book, and website will have all of the information in the exact same place, however, this is a good start to help you find citation elements. 

Want to see the answers again? Here are links to the animated answers: Article | Website | Book

Now that you have the different elements of a citation written down, try to create citations for each of the different kinds of materials. Here is the format:



Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume.Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication. Date of access. Link.

Now you try! Click the button to the right to check your answer. Reveal Answer button


Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access. Link.

Now you try! Click the button to the right to check your answer. Reveal Answer button


Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

Now you try! Click the button to the right to check your answer. Reveal Answer button




   Not the style you are looking for? APA Guide  | Chicago GuideAMA Guide | ACS Guide ASA GuideAPSA GuideCSE Guide

Rather use a citation generator?            KnightCite     |     NCSU Citation Builder

Want to learn about RefWorks Citation Software?  RefWorks Guide