If you already have a citation you can use the Citation Linker to find the full text.
If you are searching within a database, use the button to locate the full text.
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If we don't have access to an article you need, don't worry. We have a service called Interlibrary Loan that can retrieve articles, books, etc from other libraries. We can also send you materials located at Laupus or Joyner if you are unable to come to the library in person.
Check out our Interlibrary Loan page for more information.
Though you can search for research articles in the Laupus Library's OneSearch platform, the number of results may be overwhelming and not easy to reproduce. GoogleScholar can be a very useful starting point for a search, but the legitimacy of sources found in GoogleScholar may be questionable at times. Therefore, searching in a biomedical databases is suggested.
The following electronic resources (or databases) are the most appropriate places to start looking for articles. Keep in mind that you may have to look in several places to find all the information you need. Furthermore, if you are struggling with your search, reach out to your liaison librarian.
Use citation management software to keep track of your references, share references and switch between reference styles