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Medical Students: M1 Study Tools

Information on library resources for medical students

All Blocks

Block 1


  • Check out All Blocks resource List for additional anatomy resources, like flashcards, quizzes, tests and videos. Your instructor may also have other helpful review and assessment resources!

Histology and Cell Biology

  • Check out the All Blocks resource list. Your instructor may also have other helpful review and assessment resources!

Molecular Medicine

  • Check out the All Blocks resource List. Your instructor may also have other helpful review and assessment resources!


  • Search for ethics in the Henry Stewart Talks collection or read a medical ethics e-book

Block 2

Behavioral Science

  • Check out  the All Blocks resource List for additional psychology resources like quizzes and tests. Your instructor may also have other helpful review and assessment resources!


  • Check out the All Blocks resource list. Your instructor may also have other helpful review and assessment resources!


  • Check out the All Blocks resource list for additional resources in physiology and use some of the anatomy resources from Block 1. Your instructor may also have other helpful review and assessment resources!


  • Check out the All Blocks resource list. Your instructor may also have other helpful review and assessment resources!

Block 3

Disease and Therapeutics

  • Check out All Blocks resource list for additional diagnosis and drug therapy resources, like the DDx and drug resources tools in AccessMedicine as well as tests and quizzes. Your instructor may also have other helpful review and assessment resources!

Additional Study Tips

Brody's Office of Student Success and Wellness can help you with study and test taking skills