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APA Citation Style, 7th Edition: Podcast or other audio works

Citing Podcasts or other audio works

How to Create an APA 7th edition Reference for a Podcast or other audio works
Author Date Title (SOURCE) Website Name (SOURCE) URL

Host, H. H. (Host). 

Artist, A. A. 

Uploader, U. U. [@username].

(2020, February 17).

Title of work.[Description of media]. Site Name.


Tips for citing podcasts in APA 7th edition (p. 344-346). 

  • When adding a reference for a podcast, list the host as the author, if no host is listed, look to see if an executive producer is listed. Add either the host's or the producer's role in brackets. For example: Smith, J. (Host). 
  • If the host is not listed on the website, they are usually introduced in the first few minutes of the podcast. 
  • It's also important to specify whether the podcast an audio or a video. Add this after the title. For example: Reflections from a nurse on COVID-19 [Audio podcast]. 
  • When adding an in-text citation for a direct quote from a podcast, make sure to add a timestamp after the date. For example, (Smith, 2018, 5:27)



Livingston, E. (Host). (2017, June 20). Medication errors in hospitals - It's everyone's fault [Audio podcast]. JN Learning. 

In-text Citation (Paraphrase):

(Livingston, 2017)

In-text Citation (Direct Quote):

(Livingston, 2017, 7:15)



Carrie Forbes, MLS

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Carrie Forbes
Laupus Library
Room 2518
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252-744-2217 -OR- 252-689-8734 (TEXT)
Subjects: Nursing

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Citation information has been adapted from the APA Manual (7th Edition). Please refer to Chapter 10: Reference Examples, pp. 344-346 for more information. 

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