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Dynamedex: Creating a Personal Account

A guide to using DynaMedex

Heidi Reis

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Heidi Reis
Office: 2528 Health Sciences Building
Phone: 252-744-3222

Soph Myers-Kelley

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Soph Myers-Kelley

Why get a personal account?

Why get a personal account? 

  1. You can get credit for your CME/MOC credits
  2. It allows you to authenticate the app
  3. You can save searches 
  4. You can affiliate with multiple institutions 
  5. And even more personalized features! 

How to create personal account

1. First, go to the library's website and access DynaMedex. Go to ECU Laupus Library's website and search for DynaMedex in the A-Z Databases list. This is so DynaMedex accurately recognizes you as a member of ECU's scholarly community. 

2. From there, you will see that DynaMedex recognizes you as a member of ECU and encourages you to create a free personal account on the right hand side of your screen (if using a web browser). Click the blue "create account" button to continue.


3. Register for a personal account by filling in your personal information including email address, first and last name, and more. Check the box to agree to all the provisions outlined in the terms of use. When ready, click register. 

4. Read and consent to the collection of personal data, then continue. Congratulations! You now have a personal DynaMedex account with ECU-provided benefits.


Now you can download the app from your mobile device and login with your personal account with full ECU access! 

More questions? Check out the "Creating a personal account FAQ" link below or contact the appropriate person under the "getting help" tab of this libguide.