Posters are a visual representation of your research, scholarly, or creative work. Posters should be able to stand alone giving a clear concise representation of your work, without any explanation from you. Below you will find information on what content to include in your poster.
Keep in mind - You do not have to put everything on your poster, just key points that are essential to the explanation of your project. Handouts are good way to supply attendees with additional information that you could not include in your poster presentation.
Throughout a poster you act as a historian, reporter, and lawyer.
Introduction 15% - You are a Historian
Methods/Results 60% - You are a Reporter
Discussion 25% - You are a Lawyer
One of the key features of a research poster is a prominent title. The title may be the only thing a viewer sees before they reach your poster. Bearing that in mind, it is important that your title is short and compelling in order to capture the attention of the viewer.
Even though this section appears first, it is often the last to be written. This section should provide viewers with a brief synopsis of the entire poster.
Usually consists of a summarized combination of the introduction, results, and discussion sections.
During this section you should act as a historian, providing viewers needed information about your research topic. This section should make up about 15% of your poster and is comprised of three main parts.
Part 1: Existing facts
In order to give viewers the "full picture", you first need to provide them with information about past research. What facts already exist? What is already known about your research area?
Part 2: Shortcomings
Once you have highlighted past research and existing facts. You now need to address what is left to be known, or what shortcomings exist within the current information. This should set the groundwork for your experiment. Keep in mind, how does your research fill these gaps or help address these questions?
Part 3: Purpose or Hypothesis
After you have addressed past/current research and have identified shortcomings/gaps, it is now time to address your research. During this portion of the introduction you need to tell viewers why you are conducting your research experiement/study, and what you hope to accomplish by doing so.
In the methods and results sections of your poster you should act as a reporter. These sections report facts about what you did and the information you gathered.
The methods section is comprised of four parts:
Part 1: Participants
Who or what was in the study?
Part 2: Materials/measures:
What did you measure?
Part 3: Procedures
How did you conduct the study?
Part 4: Data-analysis
What analysis were conducted?
This section contains FACTS - with no opinion, commentary, or interpretation. This section can be portrayed with figures and tables to cut down text from your poster.
Keep in mind when making figures:
Example Graphs
Both graphs depict the same information. However, the graph on the bottom presents a more clear and concise message.
You will notice the title of the bottom graph tells the viewer exactly what they should notice, "More than 1 in 4 Boulder Bay Public Library computer users are Hispanic or Latino". The graph on the bottom also uses a darker color to represent Hispanic or Latino populations which draws the viewers eye to that part of the figure.
Interpretation and commentary takes place in this section. During the conclusion/discussion section you should act as a lawyer, reminding people of why your research experiment/study is important and what significance it has to the field. This section should make up 25% of your poster.
In this section you should:
Just like when you are writing a paper a poster should include citations to any material you consulted and obtained information from while conducting your experiment/study.
Citations are important because:
In this section you should:
Best Practices for Handouts