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Library Instruction Resources: Outcomes


A student learning outcome (SLO) indicates what students should be able to demonstrate or produce as a result of what they learn.  SLOs provide an outline for the session and identifies the main concepts for student comprehension and retention

Good SLO Characteristics

The following list includes characteristics of good Student Learning Outcomes.

  1. Focuses on what students will learn/know/be able to do
  2. Describes actions & behaviors
  3. Are results oriented
  4. Are observable and measurable
  5. Include a time frame
  6. Uses Bloom's Taxonomy

Student Learning Outcomes Formula - Diane Harvey

As a result of teaching method, students will be able to action verb produce/process.


  1. As a result of the instruction session, students will be able to find and retrieve relevant articles.
  2. As a result of the video tutorial, students will be able to identify a popular and scholarly article.
  3. As a result of the consultation, the student will be able to summarize the purpose of the main library links/tools.  

Verbs to Avoid

These verbs don't provide a way to measure SLOs.  Try Bloom's Taxonomy instead.

  1. Understand
  2. Appreciate
  3. Know about
  4. Become familiar with
  5. Learn about
  6. Become aware of