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Room Reservations at Laupus Library: Home

Use this guide to help you make a room reservation at Laupus Library on the Health Sciences Campus.

At Laupus Library, you are allowed 6 hours per day to reserve small or large study rooms. Below are instructions for making these room reservations, as well as finding additional assistance.

Watch the tutorial video with step-by-step instructions:

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Click on the Reserve a Room link on the Laupus homepage.
    Screenshot of Laupus Library homepage with an arrow pointing to the link to Reserve a Room.
  2. Click a green box to select the time and room. Red boxes are unavailable for reservation.
    Screenshot of room reservation booking grid displaying green and red boxes.
  3. Adjust the end time using the drop down menu at the bottom of the page. Remove your selection by clicking the trashcan icon beside the drop down box.
                Screenshot of booking grid demonstrating drop down menu.
  4. Once satisfied with your selection, click on Submit Times. Then, follow the prompts to log in with your ECU credentials (username and password).
  5. Double-check the reservation you are making. If you have corrections, click the link to remove your reservation at the right of your listing. If satisfied, click on Submit my Booking.
  6. You will receive a confirmation code from LibCal in your ECU e-mail. Please check your spam folder. The confirmation e-mail will include a three-digit code that you will use to check in at the time of your reservation.

Watch the tutorial video with step-by-step instructions:

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Click on the Reserve a Room link on the Laupus homepage.
    Screenshot of Laupus Library homepage with an arrow pointing to the link to Reserve a Room.
  2. Click a green box to select the time and room. Red boxes are unavailable for reservation.
    Screenshot of room reservation booking grid displaying green and red boxes.
  3. Adjust the end time using the drop down menu at the bottom of the page. Remove your selection by clicking the trashcan icon beside the drop down box.
                Screenshot of booking grid demonstrating drop down menu.
  4. To use your daily 6-hour reservation allowance, you have three options.
    • Reserve a single 6-hour block. To do this, you will select a green box in the booking grid, then change the drop down menu so that the end time is 6 hours after the start time.
    • Reserve multiple time slots within a single room. To do this, you will select a green box in the booking grid, then select additional green boxes in the same room in the booking grid. If you exceed 6 hours, you will receive an error message and prompt to adjust your reservation.
    • Reserve multiple time slots across multiple rooms. To do this, you will complete reservations in each room individually. You will select a green box in the booking grid, select your end time, then click on Submit Times and follow the prompts to complete your booking. You can then go back into the booking grid to reserve time in another room, and then you will repeat the process. If you attempt to book multiple rooms at the same time, you will receive an error message. If you exceed 6 hours in your reservations, you will receive an error message and prompt to adjust your reservation.
  5. Information about confirmation codes and checking in:
    • Single 6-hour block. You will receive one confirmation e-mail and one check-in code. You will check in only at the beginning of your reserved time.
    • Multiple times in a single room. You will receive one confirmation e-mail and one check-in code. You will use the same check-in code to check in at the beginning of each reservation time.
    • Multiple times in multiple rooms. You will receive multiple confirmation e-mails (one per room) with unique check-in codes (one per room). You will use the unique code for each room at the beginning of each reservation time.

Watch the tutorial video with step-by-step instructions:

If you need additional assistance with your room reservation, please reach out to us here, or visit the Service Desk on the second floor.

Amanda Haberstroh

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Amanda Haberstroh
she, her
Office: 2532 Health Sciences Bldg
Phone: 252-744-5124
Subjects: Nursing