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NIH Public Access Policy Compliance: Tracking Your Manuscripts

Provides information on how to ensure NIH-funded research is in compliance with their Public Access Policy. Lack of compliance can lead to a delay in receipt of funds.

Tracking the Progress of Your Article Once Submitted

Next Steps

After using Method C or D, you will monitor the progress of your manuscript by using My Bibliography in My NCBI.  You would log into My NCBI on a regular basis to see if there are communications from NIHMS to update you on the status of your manuscript and any additional steps that you may need to take to complete the process of getting your work into PubMed Central.  

How to Use My Bibliography and Verify Compliance

Through My Bibliography, you can manage citations directly from PubMed or by entering them in manually.

To verify that your publications are in compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy, navigate to "Manage My Bibliography"  > "Display Settings" > "Award" then click "Apply".  After sorting your publications, you can review your citations to determine if they are compliant with the policy. 

To the left of each citation, note the color of the circles. 

Journal articles that are compliant with the NIH Public Access Policy are marked with a green dot and have the PubMed Central citation Id (PMCID) number listed. In the below example, an NIH award Id is also associated to the citation.


Articles newly submitted to the NIH Manuscript Submission system are considered in process and are marked with a yellow dot. Note that the article has been assigned an NIHMS ID number.


A question mark indicates that compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy cannot be determined without additional information. Click "Edit Status" to enter supporting information for the citation.

Please view the My Bibliography-My NCBI Help page for additional information on managing your My Bibliography including other icons you may find at the left of your article and the steps you may need to take.

My Bibliography Delegation

After creating your My NCBI account, you may find it convenient to assign a research assistant as a Delegate to edit your "My Bibliography" and to help you to manage the compliance of your publications.  You can assign the person that you select to delegate that task to while you are logged into My NCBI.  You may elect to remove that person from having access to your "My Bibliography" at any time.  The assistant would use an NCBI login, Google credentials, or a third party login to manage your "My Bibliography" as they wouldn't have an eRA Commons account. 

You may also consider ECU as a resource to ensure that your work is in compliance by having Scholarly Communications monitor your work in My NCBI.  We can also help get your work that is presently not in compliance with the policy on the path toward compliance.  Contact to get in touch with a person who can help you with this task.