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Anatomical Models @ Laupus Library: Eyes, Ears, and Nose

A visual finding aid of Laupus Library's Anatomical Model Collection

Special Senses Model - WL 700 S741

Ear Modell, 3 Times Life Size, 6 Part - WV 200 E121

Deluxe Eight Part Ear - WV 201 D366

Cochlea / Inner Ear Labyrinth with Eardrum - WV 250 I581

Nose Model with Paranasal Sinuses, 5 Part - WV 300 N897

Eye, 3 Times Full-Size, 6 Part - WW 101 E972

Giant Hands-On Eyeball - WW 101 G433

Magnified Eye Model - WW 101 M197

Human Sinuses Model - WV 100 H918

Ear, 3 Times Life-Size, 4 Parts - WV 200 E1211

Organ of Corti - WV 201 O681

Cochlea / Inner Ear Labyrinth without Eardrum - WV 250 I581

Nose and Olfactory Organ Set - WV 301 N897

Eye, 5 Times Full-Size, 12 Part - WW 101 E972

Giant Eye in Bony Orbit - WW 101 G4341