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Anatomical Models @ Laupus Library: Other Internal Organs

A visual finding aid of Laupus Library's Anatomical Model Collection

Digestive System 20-Times Magnified - WI 100 T531

Tongue Model, 2.5 times - WI 210 T665

Stomach - WI 302 S876

Intestinal Villi - WI 400 I61V

GI Tract - WI 520 G428

Liver Model - WI 700 L784

Pancreas with Gallbladder and Spleen - WI 800 P188G

Kidney - WJ 301 K46

Kidneys with Rear Organs of the Upper Abdomen, 3 part - WJ 301 K468

Life-Sized Digestive System - WI 101 L722 1994

GERD Model - WI 250 G366

Intestinal Diseases - WI 400 I619

Colon Model - WI 520 C719M

Rectum Model - WI 600 R311

Liver/Gallbladder Model - WI 700 L7841

Free-standing Urinary Apparatus - WJ 101 F853

Kidney Model - WJ 301 K467 2006

Right Kidney and Adrenal Gland - WJ 301 R571