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Vireo ETD Management System: Home

Electronic Theses and Dissertations deposit process

What Is Vireo?

Vireo is an online system for the submission and management of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). Created by the Texas Digital Library, Vireo is in use at many academic institutions in Texas, as well as Georgia Tech, Johns Hopkins, and other universities.

Why should ECU use Vireo? Vireo provides an easy-to-use upload system for graduating students to deposit their manuscripts. It also serves as a management tool for Graduate School administrators to review ETDs, request changes and correspond with authors, and approve the completed documents. Vireo deposits completed ETDs to ProQuest and to The ScholarShip, ECU's institutional repository.

Graduate School Contacts

  Dr. Kathleen Cox
  Associate Dean
  109 Ragsdale Building
  Greenville, NC 27858
  Phone: 252-328-1466



Ms. Marquerite Bond
Administrative Support Associate
105 Ragsdale Building
Greenville, NC 27858 
Phone: 252-328-5792 
Fax: 252-328-6071

Joyner Library Contact

Ms. Jeanne Hoover
Head, Scholarly Communication
1301 Joyner Library
Greenville, NC 27858
Phone: 252-328-2261