If you want to find books the library owns pertaining to Environmental Health, you can conduct a search in the library catalog to find library holdings. The books you find in the library catalog may be in either print or electronic formats.
Need Help Finding a Book? If you need help using the library catalog, or constructing a search, there may be a library tutorial to show you how. Or you can contact a librarian for assistance.
Library doesn't have access? If you find a book that you are interested in and the library does not have access to the content. You can request the resource through Interlibrary Loan.
One Search is a great place to start your research. It allows you to search through a variety of databases and the ECU Libraries' catalog.
These are streaming video databases that you can use from campus or at home. Most of these databases feature documentaries.
Use InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery services to request articles, books, media, and more from other libraries when ECU libraries do not have what you need.