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LIBS 6135/6137 - Materials for Children/Young Adults: Find Books

Searching for Books?

You may search the library catalog for items housed in Joyner Library. You may search by keyword, title, author, or subject.

Brainstorm major keywords relevant to your topic and use those terms in the words or phrase option of the catalog. 

For a more specific type of search conduct a subject search in the library catalog for subject headings which are appropriate for your class. 

  • people with disabilities (and) juvenile
  • Mexican Americans (and) juvenile
  • Blind (and) juvenile

For searching elementary art textbooks, conduct a subject search:

  • art study and teaching (and) elementary

Search the Library Catalog

The library catalog is where you can search for books, videos, DVD's, etc.



The Cooperative Children's Book Center at UW-Madison

Multicultural Books

These bibliographies provide citations of children's books on multicultural topics.  The books are located in Joyner Library or check a local library near you.

Try OneSearch!

One Search is a great place to start your research. It allows you to simultaneously search through a variety of databases and the ECU Libraries' catalog.

One Search for articles, books, and other resources from the ECU Libraries' collection.