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Library 101: Introduction to Research: Welcome

Welcome to Joyner Library

Image of three students studying at Joyner Library
Daytime image of the columns outside of Joyner Library
Image of a student studying at the library

Library 101

Library 101 provides you with an overview of the basic library research skills needed to succeed in college.  Regardless of your area of study, you can expect the skills acquired in Library 101 to make your searches for relevant and high-quality information for your assignments both simpler and more productive.  Library 101 will cover:

  1. The Research Process

  2. Navigating the Library

  3. How to Find Books

  4. How to Find Articles

  5. Evaluating Information

  6. How to Avoid Plagiarism

Click here to get started

NOTE TO FACULTY:  Want to add the Library 101 quiz directly to your Canvas course?  Contact David Hisle at

Library 101 Outcomes

NOTE TO FACULTY:  Want to add the Library 101 quiz directly to your Canvas course?  Contact David Hisle at

The purpose of Library 101 is to teach students basic research skills needed to succeed in college.  As a result of the Library 101 tutorial, students will master the following skills: navigating the research process, navigating the library, constructing effective searches, finding books, finding articles, evaluating information, avoiding plagiarism, constructing effective citations, and getting help from the library while at ECU.

Please click the tabs of this box, which correspond to the tabs on this website, in order to see student learning outcomes for each library skill.

1) Students will be able to identify 5 important links on the library homepage.

1) Students will be able to describe the research process and selecting a topic.

2) Students will be able to illustrate the information timecycle.

1) Students will be able to identify the locations of the three important areas of the library's homepage (FAQs, Catalog, & Databases).

2) Students will be able to summarize the purpose of these main library links/tools.

3) Students will be able to locate important sections of the physical library building.

1) Students will be able to construct effective searches in a database.

2) Students will be able to construct a search using boolean operators, including AND, OR, and NOT.

3) Students will be able to broaden and narrow their topic.

1) Students will be able to construct a search in the library catalog.

2) Students will be able to identify the call number from the catalog record and locate it on the shelf.

1) Students will be able to define a library database.

2) Students will be able to locate articles in a database.

1) Students will be able to identify the characteristics of scholarly, popular, and trade articles.

2) Students will be able to identify credible versus non-credible web sources.

1) Students will be able to define plagiarism.

2) Students will be able to discuss the academic integrity policy at ECU.

3) Students will be able to provide examples of intentional and unintentional plagiarism.

4) Students will be able to find citations in the citation style for their major.

5) Students will be able to identify helpful citation tools, including citation generators.

Students will be able to list 6 ways to get help from a librarian.