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Federal Government Information: Find Print Documents

How to find federal government information

Find Government Documents

To look for government documents located in Joyner Library, use the ECU Libraries Catalog. Items that are located in the Federal Documents Collection will have "Joyner - Fed Docs. Stacks" as their location. The Federal Documents collection, located in the basement of Joyner Library, includes over 200,000 volumes, with approximately 300,000 more documents available on microfiche (Joyner - Microforms B-300).

To search just for government documents, limit your search by Collection, and click on Joyner Fed Documents.

Please be aware that a large portion of our Federal Documents collection is not yet listed in our library catalog. Most of what we have in print, with some exceptions, was published between 1950-present. While everything produced from mid 1994 to the present is in the catalog, much of what was published prior to this period is not.

  • ASK AT REFERENCE DESK  When this phrase displays instead of a Fed Docs call number, click on the item title to view more information, then choose "Librarian View" from the left-hand menu. The field marked 086 will give you the number you need (the SuDoc number) to find the item in the Docs. Stacks.

Library Catalog

The library catalog is where you can search for books, videos, DVD's, etc.



Superintendent of Documents Classification

The Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) classification system is designed to group together publications by the same government author. Within an agency or department, publications are grouped according to the subordinate organization. The purpose of this system is to uniquely identify, logically relate, and physically arrange each publication so that all publications of a single agency or department may be found together. For more information on SuDocs numbers, see GPO's introduction to the Superintendent of Documents Classification System.


Try OneSearch!

One Search is a great place to start your research. It allows you to simultaneously search through a variety of databases and the ECU Libraries' catalog.

One Search for articles, books, and other resources from the ECU Libraries' collection.