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Vireo ETD Management System: Vireo Deposit Process

Electronic Theses and Dissertations deposit process

Vireo Login

Go to and click the purple "Start your submission" button. You will use your PirateID and password to log in.

Step One

The first step in the Vireo deposit process is to input information about yourself and the department/program you're graduating from.

  1. Your name and ECU email address appear in the top section.
  2. The next section requires you to select your home department, degree, and major. 
  3. The third section is for contact information. Please enter a permanent phone number and address, as well as an alternate email address (since your ECU student email address will not be valid after you graduate).

Step Two

The second step asks you to agree to two different license agreements. The first license gives ECU the right to store, make accessible, and migrate forward in file format your thesis or dissertation. The second license is for ProQuest to deposit your ETD to their subscription database.

Step Three

Step three asks you to provide information about the document you are uploading. Specifically:

  1. Provide such document information as the title, degree date, abstract, and keywords.
    • Hint: copy and paste in the abstract
    • Keywords are the words you use to describe what your paper is about
    • Subjects are headings drawn from and matching ProQuest's subject terms
  2. Committee members: type in their first and last names, select their role on the committee, and input the ECU email address of your committee chair.
  3. Previously Published Material: have you published an article or book chapter that you are now including as part of your thesis or dissertation? If so, check the box and identify what that portion is.
  4. Embargo Options: specify whether your work can be made immediately available (recommended), or embargoed for a specific reason, such as a patent application or required journal hold.
  5. Access Options: Release your work to Open Access (recommended) or to campus access based on the embargo schedule you've set.

Step Four

At this step, you upload your thesis/dissertation and two other required files:

  1. DocuSign Committee Signature Sheet with all signatures
  2. DocuSign Non-Exclusive Distribution License (NEDL)

Please see this guide for up-to-date forms: 

Optionally, you may also upload supplemental files such as accompanying maps, figures, tables, etc.

Step Five

The last step is to confirm and submit. Any errors needing attention will be listed in red font at the top of the screen.