J.Y. Joyner Library is pleased to announce this year’s Alternative Textbook Program recipients. Nine faculty were selected for the 2020-2021 program and they will receive awards of up to $1,000 to incorporate open textbooks, library materials, and/or other free resources in their courses. Additionally, recipients will be paired with a personal librarian who will provide assistance with copyright and identifying possible course materials. The goal of the program is to reduce costs for students while also giving faculty the opportunity to customize their course materials.
Congratulations to the following program recipients:
Jessama Allendar, Sociology
Tiffany Blanchflower, Interior Design and Merchandising
Helen Dixon, History
Sarah Lazure, School of Art
Angela Novak, Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education
Michelle Oyen, Engineering
Raychl Smith, School of Music
Anne Ticknor, Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education
Liza Wieland, English
2019-2020 Alternative Textbook Program Winners
Congratulations to the following program recipients:
2018-2019 Alternative Textbook Program Winners
J.Y. Joyner Library is pleased to announce this year’s Alternative Textbook Program recipients. Sixteen faculty were selected for the 2018-2019 program and they will receive stipends of up to $1,000 to incorporate open textbooks, library materials, and/or other free resources in their courses. Additionally, recipients will be paired with a personal librarian who will provide assistance with copyright and identifying possible course materials. The goal of the program is to reduce costs for students while also giving faculty the opportunity to customize their course materials.
Congratulations to the following program recipients:
J.Y. Joyner Library is pleased to announce this year’s Alternative Textbook Program recipients. Sixteen faculty were selected for the 2017-2018 program and they will receive stipends of up to $1,000 to incorporate open textbooks, library materials, and/or other free resources in their courses. Additionally, recipients will be paired with a personal librarian who will provide assistance with copyright and identifying possible course materials. The goal of the program is to reduce costs for students while also giving faculty the opportunity to customize their course materials.
Congratulations to the following program recipients:
Margaret Bauer, English
Mark Bowler, Psychology
Andy Brimhall, Human Development and Family Science
Kermit Buckner, Educational Leadership, Education
Kristine Callis-Duehl, Biology
Cindy Elmore, Communication
Eric Horsman, Geological Sciences
Lee Johnson, Religious Studies
Sharon Justice, Business
Sharon Knight, Health Education and Promotion
Gregory Lapicki, Physics
Seung Hyun Lee, School of Hospitality Leadership, Business
Laura Levi Alstaedter, Foreign Languages & Literatures
Nicholas Rupp, Economics
Jennifer Williams, Special Education, Foundations and Research, Education
Terri Woods, Geological Sciences
Dr. Teal Darkenwald, Dance
Class: DNCE 1000: Introduction to Dance
Dr. Christyn Dolbier, Psychology
Class: PSYC 1000: Introductory Psychology
Dr. Carol Goodwillie, Biology
Class: BIOL 3150: Plant Biology
Dr. Joseph G. L. Lee, Health Education and Health Promotion
Class: HLTH 3020: Health Disparities
Dr. Lisa Maag, Psychology
Class: PSYC 1000: Introductory Psychology
Dr. James McKernan, Special Education, Foundations and Research
Class: EDUC 3200: Foundations of American Education
Dr. Karen A. Mulcahy, Geography, Planning & Environment
Class: GEOG 1000: People, Places and Environments
Dr. Margaret O’Hara, Management Information Systems
Class: MIS 3063: Introduction to Management Information Systems
Dr. Erol Ozan, Technology Systems
Class: ICTN 3900/3901: Web Services Management
Dr. Randall Parker, Economics
Class: ECON 2133: Principles of Macroeconomics
Dr. Kennetta Hammond Perry, History
Class: HIST 1031: World Civilizations since 1500
Dr. Tracy Tuten, Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Class: MKTG 6752: Advertising and Promotion Strategy
Dr. Jennifer Valko, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Class: FROL 2760: Latin American Culture through Film
Dr. Cecelia Valrie, Psychology
Class: PSYC 3206: Developmental Psychology