Before using this site, you must set up a 'My AccessMedicine' account online.
A mobile-optimized version of the AccessMedicine site can be accessed through your mobile device’s Web browser.
Laptop Directions: Go to: AccessMedicine while you are ON the ECU wireless network or on an ECU computer. You must register for access from the ECU campus.
Mobile Device Instructions: Search for AccessMedicine App in your app store:
Before downloading the ClinicalKey mobile app, visit ECU's access to ClincalKey to create your free ClinicalKey account.
Before using this site you must set up a 'My JAMAevidence' account!
The JAMAevidence mobile view features a portion of the site's content optimized for the unique size and speed constraints of mobile browsers. To that end, the following content is available in this view:
To access this version of the site, you must log in using a personal profile name and password created at If you have not created such a profile, please visit the site on a nonmobile browser, select the "My JAMAevidence" tab, and follow the directions for creation of a personal profile. Once complete, you may return to the mobile view and use that username and password to access the site.
The mobile site is available at
Mobile Micromedex apps are available for Apple, Android, and Windows 8 devices.
To acquire the password needed to access content in the Micromedex apps, go to the Micromedex database by one of these three options:
Once on the Micromedex database: