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Grey Literature - What is it and where do I find it?: Conference Proceedings

Discusses what Grey Literature is, why it's important, and where to find it.

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Databases and Websites

The British Lending LibraryStart your search in the Main catalogue.  Enter your topic, title, etc,, and click on Search.  On the next page, scroll down the left side menu, and under Genre, click on Conference literature.  You will probably have to pay to get a copy, but you can verify the citation.  

PapersFirst OCLC index of papers presented at conferences worldwide.  Covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received by The British Library Document Supply Centre. - You can browse by publisher or catagory, such as Biology-Medicine.  You'd have to pay to obtain a copy, but you can get the citation info and browse the table of contents.  

Proceedings First - An OCLC index of worldwide conference proceedings.   Covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received by The British Library Document Supply Centre.  Contains in each record a list of the papers presented at each conference. 

Web Of Science - use the Drop Down menu to select Document Type then select Proceedings Paper or Meeting Abstract.  Use filter terms such as congresses, conferences, consensus development conferences, syposiums, workshops, meetings....

Subject Guide

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Heidi Reis
Office: 2528 Health Sciences Building
Phone: 252-744-3222