Once you have narrowed down your topic, and have identified keywords, you are ready to begin searching for relevant literature. You can begin your search either in One Search or in the Library Databases. Below is a list of library databases related to Medicine, Science, and Psychology.
Need Help Using a Database? If you need help using a database, or constructing a search, there may be a library tutorial to show you how. Or you can contact a librarian for assistance.
Library doesn't have access? If you find an article or book that you are interested in and the library does not have access to the content. You can request the resource through Interlibrary Loan.
The following are direct links to all of the subscription databases for ECU Libraries on the subject of Psychology.
Use InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery services to request articles, books, media, and more from other libraries when ECU libraries do not have what you need.