When looking for books, videos, and other materials in the catalog or in WorldCat, searching by subject headings can help.
To find books, videos, and other materials in the catalog or in WorldCat, try entering the following search terms. The asterisks are wildcards that search for different word forms (e.g. homosexual, homosexuals, homosexuality).
Use InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery services to request articles, books, media, and more from other libraries when ECU libraries do not have what you need.
If you want to browse the library's shelves, books at Joyner Library are organized by the Library of Congress classification system. The majority of books on LGBT topics are shevled under H, which is for the Social Sciences. See especially the following sections.
Books relating to LGBT persons and issues also may be shelved under the larger topic. Examples include the following sections.
Ask a librarian if you need help locating books on your topic.
One Search is a great place to start your research. It allows you to simultaneously search through a variety of databases and the ECU Libraries' catalog.
The library catalog is where you can search for books, videos, DVD's, etc.
Search these databases to find biographical information about individuals.