Once you have narrowed down your topic, and have identified keywords, you are ready to begin searching for relevant literature. You can begin your search either in One Search or in the Library Databases. Below is a list of library databases related to Health and Human Performance, as well as Nutrition. Remember each database has its own set of subject headings using these could help improve your search results.
Need Help Using a Database? If you need help using a database, or constructing a search, there may be a library tutorial to show you how. Or you can contact a librarian for assistance.
Library doesn't have access? If you find an article or book that you are interested in and the library does not have access to the content, you can request the resource through Interlibrary Loan. There is no charge or this service.
Check Ulrichsweb you're not sure if a journal is peer-reviewed. Just look for the referee jersey next to the journal title.
(Content pf this box courtesy of Central Michigan University Libraries. For additional explanation and examples see: https://libguides.cmich.edu/web_research/examples ) Additional examples of SIFT available from Clark College Libraries: https://clark.libguides.com/evaluating-information/SIFT
Let's use as an example the web page of the Amercian College of Pediatricians at https://acpeds.org/. The:website looks very professional and polished, and much like other professional health organizations. There don't appear to be any obvious typos and it is updated regularly. However, what can we discover about it when we leave the website and do an internet search?
SIFT Method:
Conclusion based on this analysis of https://acpeds.org/ - this source is biased toward one point of view. If you decide to use the web site for information relating to LGBTQ issues, you will want to clearly communicate to your audience that you are aware of the viewpoint of the organization.
RefWorks is a citation management software that you can use to simplify the research process. You can keep citations to articles in RefWorks, access journal articles in databases without searching for them again, cite sources in your paper, and create a bibliography with RefWorks. This software is available to all students at ECU during the duration of their time at ECU. Click the button below to get registered! Click here for tutorials.