This is the National Library of Medicine's interface for MEDLINE, which provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations from current biomedical journals.
This is the National Library of Medicine's interface for MEDLINE, which provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree, tree hierarchy, subheadings and explosion capabilities to search citations from current biomedical journals.
Formerly the GPO Monthly Catalog. The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications provides indexing and citations for all types of U.S. government documents, including Congressional reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President, etc.).
Contains over 3 million citations to materials acquired by the National Agricultural Library and cooperating institutions. Ninety percent of the records describe journal articles and book chapters; the remaining describe monographs, series, microforms, audiovisuals, and maps. Provides worldwide coverage of the agricultural literature, including economics, engineering, home
The PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset succeeds the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) database, 1999-2010, which was a collaboration between the two U.S. government agencies, ODS and United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library. ODS and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) partnered to create this Dietary Supplement Subset of NLM’s PubMed. PubMed provides access to citations from the MEDLINE database and additional life science journals. It also includes links to many full-text articles at journal Web sites and other related Web resources. The subset is designed to limit search results to citations from a broad spectrum of dietary supplement literature including vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, ergogenic, botanical, and herbal supplements in human nutrition and animal models. provides easy access to the best food and nutrition information from across the federal government. It serves as a gateway to reliable information on nutrition, healthy eating, physical activity, and food safety for consumers.
Guide to reliable health information, providing access to carefully reviewed health information from government agencies, nonprofit and professional organizations, and universities.
MedlinePlus brings together authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations. Medline Plus includes journal articles as well as drug info sheets, an illustrated medical encyclopedia and a dictionary, interactive patient tutorials, and latest health news. Browse by Health Topics or search the MedlinePlus database. is a gateway to government science information and research results, which may consist of scientific or technical data, publications, databases, documentation, or other forms of information.