Some archived websites contain federal government data. Here are key resources to help you find this information:
An archive of all CDC datasets uploaded before January 28th, 2025. Excludes corrupt datasets and data not publicly accessible.
The Wayback Machine is part of the Internet Archive. It is a digital archive that allows users to view and access archived versions of web pages from the past. It captures snapshots of websites at various points in time and offers one of the most effective ways to both preserve online data and track changes on government websites.
This website provides a full list of links to pages which were archived at prior to January 27, 2025.
Created by journalist Jessica Valenti, this archive of CDC guidelines focuses on reproductive rights issues, sexual health, intimate partner violence, and other data the CDC removed online.
DataLumos is an ICPSR archive for valuable government data resources. It archives 1991-2021 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) National Datasets, and 2015-2023 CDC National Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
The End of Term Web Archive works to preserve government data, especially during administration changes. is the U.S. government's open data portal.
This repository, maintained by the Harvard Law School Library Innovation Lab, is a regularly updated mirror of all data files linked from Datasets in this repository were collected intermittently between 2024-11-19 and 2025-02-06.
IPUMS provides census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space.
The Data Rescue Project is a collaborative initiative involving organizations like IASSIST, RDAP, and the Data Curation Network. It aims to coordinate and support efforts to preserve public U.S. government data. The project serves as a central hub for data rescue activities, including data gathering, curation, cleaning, cataloging, and ensuring long-term access and distribution. It provides certain public health data sources.
The Data Liberation Project archives a diverse range of government datasets that were previously difficult to access. Some of the datasets they have obtained and published include Federal Inmate Deaths, USDA Organic Program Enforcement, Unaccompanied Child Incident Reports, “Acute Hospital Care at Home” Data, etc.
NIH Figshare Archive is a data-sharing repository used to store and provide access to NIH-funded data and other research outputs.
Zenodo is an open-access repository supported by CERN that allows researchers to store and share datasets, research papers, software, and other scientific outputs. Many academic institutions, government agencies, and researchers use it to preserve and disseminate public data.
The Harvard Dataverse is a generalist repository that allows researchers to publish, share, and access a wide array of datasets across multiple disciplines. Certain health-related data has been preserved or shared by the academic community within the Harvard Dataverse.
Vivli is a global data-sharing platform specifically designed for clinical research data. It provides a secure, controlled-access repository where researchers can share, access, and analyze anonymized individual participant-level data from completed clinical trials.
ICPSR is a data repository that provides access to a wide range of datasets in the social, political, and behavioral sciences. it archives health sciences data particularly in the areas of public health, healthcare, and related social science fields such as health behaviors, medical treatments, health policy, and epidemiological studies.
Academic Torrents is a platform designed to host and share large datasets, research papers, and academic resources.
Laws, human rights bodies, advocacy opportunities, and news related to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics issues worldwide
World Health Organization | Global HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Programmes: POPULATIONS
News, publications, and additional information from the World Health Organization
Think Global Health Series | LGBTQI+ Experiences In Global Health
World Bank | Report: Equality of Opportunity for Sexual and Gender Minorities
Crowdsource mapping for a global view of laws related to LGBT rights
The World Health Organization Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH) includes the UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP). | UNICEF Data: Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women
Statistics produced by countries and compiled by the United Nations data system, as well as estimates and projections. Covers agriculture, education, energy, industry, labour, national accounts, population, and tourism.
Interactive data visualization platform including data from population-based, nationally or sub-nationally representative surveys/studies between 2000-2018
NHWA monitors of a set of country-level indicators to support achievement of Universal Health Coverage, Sustainable Development Goals and other health objectives. Free but registration required.
Provides download access to over 2000 indicators from the World Bank data sets including World Development Indicators.
Source: University of Michigan Library Research Guides: Global Sexual and Reproductive Health