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Master of Public Health Resources: Finding Articles

Research Guide for MPH students

Just need full text?

If you already have a citation you can use the Citation Linker to find the full text.

If you are searching within a database, use the Find It! button to locate the full text.

Having Problems?

Step by Step Help Sheet

Interlibrary Loan

If we don't have access to an article you need, don't worry. We have a service called Interlibrary Loan that can retrieve articles, books, etc from other libraries.  We can also send you materials located at Laupus or Joyner if you are unable to come to the library in person.

Check out our Interlibrary Loan page for more information.

Searching for Articles on a Specific Topic

The following electronic resource(s) (or databases) are the most appropriate places to start looking for articles.  Keep in mind that you may have to look in several places to find all the information you need.

Most of the time, PubMed is the best place to start looking for journal articles. It covers public health literature, as well as other disciplines.  It is a government sponsored database and is widely available to healthcare agencies.  You will probably have access to this database when you are practicing your profession.  It is found here:

MEDLINE via PubMed

This is a "help sheet" for PubMed: help sheet (PubMed Basics)

Another good place to search is Medline via Ovid, this database requires more of a structured search. You may need some instruction on how to use this database.

MEDLINE via Ovid

This is a "help sheet" for Medline via Ovid: Help Sheet

You can also use CINAHL to look for journal articles.  For the most part this database covers nursing and allied health literature; however, you can find evidence-based healthcare, health services and information management  as well as a few other disciplines.  It is found here:


This is a "help sheet" for using CINAHL: Help Sheet  

When searching for articles, keep your search concepts simple.  You can combine concepts to create the search you really want. Use the limit tabs to narrow your search results.

Developing a Search

Help Sheets and Tutorials

Help Sheets and Tutorials Page

We have several help sheets that you can print off with step by step instructions for using many of our resources. If you watch the video tutorials, you will see step by step how to run a search.  The video tutorials are broken down into 5 minute (or shorter) segments.


Guides on Searching for Evidence