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Vireo ETD Management System: Before Deposit

Electronic Theses and Dissertations deposit process

Initial Steps

  1. Make sure you have all necessary approvals in hand:
    • IRB/IACUC/Prospective Health (if appropriate)
    • Pre-Thesis or -Dissertation Research Approval Form
    • Thesis/Dissertation Committee Membership
  2. Discuss with your advisor whether an embargo or campus-access restriction is necessary. If necessary, how long? (Periods of 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years are accepted, and renewal requests are considered at the end of the term.)

Gather Your Materials

  1. Your properly-formatted thesis (with blank signature sheet) for deposit
  2. Your signed, scanned, committee signature sheet for upload separate from ETD
  3. Your signed, scanned, ECU Non-Exclusive Distribution Agreement
  4. Any supplemental files you might need to deposit (accompanying maps, tables, figures, etc.)
