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Faculty Resources: Designing a WI Course

The faculty resources are designed to assist you in developing and teaching your writing intensive courses.

WI Explanation

Resources for help with the requirements and design for Writing Intensive Courses.


Students enrolling at East Carolina University must fulfill the writing across the curriculum requirement prior to graduation. Writing intensive courses at ECU help student writers meet the University Writing Outcomes, which involve communicating effectively with diverse audiences about complex and significant issues. To fulfill this requirement, each student must complete a minimum of four writing intensive courses, typically including ENGL 1100 and ENGL 2201; at least one writing intensive course in the major; and any other writing intensive course of the student’s choice.


Writing intensive courses/sections of courses are identified each semester in the course schedule listing and will be designated WI on the student’s transcript. A course will transfer into ECU as WI under two conditions. The course must either be a writing intensive course in a writing across the curriculum program at the university or college where it was taken, and/or the course must have the words “writing” or “communication” (e.g., “Writing for Business and Industry” or “Business Communications”) in the course title. Courses meeting either of these two criteria will be accepted as WI, and count as writing intensive for ECU degree requirements.


Further questions about WI courses? Find answers to common WI course questions here.


WI Course List

The courses listed below have been approved to carry the Writing Intensive (WI) designation.

WI Selected Sections Course List

The courses in this list may or may not be taught WI depending on instructor/semester.

Info For Advisors

WI Course Syllabi

WI Course Syllabi


The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Committee expects all instructors teaching WI courses to have an explicit statement on each syllabus to indicate that the course is part of the WAC program at ECU. Each WI syllabus should have the following statement on them each semester: 


Writing Intensive (WI)

 ___________ [insert course prefix, number, and section] is a writing intensive course in the Writing Across the Curriculum Program at East Carolina University. This course will focus on the development of writing skills. Upon completion of the course students will: 


1. Use writing to investigate complex, relevant topics and address significant questions through engagement with and effective use of credible sources. 

2. Produce writing that reflects an awareness of context, purpose, and audience, particularly within the written genres (Including genres that integrate writing with visuals, audio or other multimodal components) of their major disciplines and/or career fields. 

3. Demonstrate that they understand writing as a process that can be made more effective though drafting revision. 

4. Proofread and edit their own writing, avoiding grammatical and mechanical errors. 

5. Assess and explain the major choices that they make in their writing. 


This course contributes to the twelve-hour WI requirement for students at ECU. Additional information is available at the following site:
